Executive Coaching


Our approach stems from three requirements for an effective coaching relationship.

The motivation of the client to explore his or her current self-image and challenge barriers that interfere with achieving full potential.

The wisdom the coach offers in helping the client spot those barriers and pinpoint immediate actions to test new approaches and sustain new behaviors.

The connection between the client and coach to develop a relationship of mutual candor and trust.


My engagement with Ken pushed my own leadership to a higher level.
— Kim Feil, Board Director, Chief Marketing & Strategy Officer, Aspire Brands

“Ken had a significant and sustained impact on my marketing team that improved our performance and results. He also worked with our CEO and his leadership team and over a period of time, with Ken’s coaching, the team developed a whole new level of trust and open communication. I remain in contact with Ken and will continue to seek his wise counsel.”

A typical executive coaching arrangement will include the following steps, usually over six to twelve months.

Goal Setting

In the early stages of the coaching process, we determine the client’s goals which may range from incremental to transformative change.  Both personal performance goals and business improvement goals are set.  We get input from both the client and the client’s supervisor.

Creating Self-Awareness

We then develop an approach for deepening the client’s self-awareness which includes a 360-interview process whereby the coach speaks with multiple client stakeholders and develops a report with relevant themes.  Other tools may be used to assess stressors, derailers, interpersonal needs and leadership preferences.

Testing New Methods

We discuss real challenges faced by the client and explore new methods to address those challenges based on learnings during the self-awareness phase.  The client tests and practices those new methods.

Sustaining Change

We create an action plan to sustain new behaviors.  Specific behaviors are identified with commitments to modification along with metrics to evaluate both personal and business progress.

Evaluating Personal & Business Performance

We conclude the coaching assignment by reviewing our goals and evaluating how behavior change has led to and will continue to lead to improved personal performance and business improvement.  In some cases, a stakeholder check-in helps determine if behavior change is visible to others.  A final meeting includes the coach, the client and the client’s supervisor to agree on the continuity of the change plan.